Search Engine Optimization

Proven SEO Strategies That Drive Relevant Traffic


Proven SEO Strategies That Drive Relevant Traffic

At Rival Marketing Network our goal is to help businesses grow and flourish in the digital market. Most businesses don’t have the time and resources to build out a full digital marketing campaign and have even less time and manpower to manage all the moving parts.

A successful digital marketing campaign requires a team of experts, dedicated to monitoring and maintaining every metric and Internet marketing channel across the board.

Fortunately, Rival is just the team you need. Our team is comprised of digital marketing experts, graphic designers, content writers, and developers all working to create personalized digital marketing campaigns for a variety of clients. Think of us as your remote in-house marketing team. We’ll design, customize, and carry out a top-tier marketing strategy for a fraction of the time and cost of hiring a whole new department.

Reach your ranking goals with our comprehensive SEO management services

SEO enterprise project

If you are looking for Semantic, Holistic, and Search Engine compliance SEO Services, then you come to the right place!

Rival Marketing offers high-quality and professional SEO Services for you and your business so that you can easily get found on Google by your most targeted prospects!

It’s wrong to waste time, energy, and money on ineffective SEO and digital marketing strategies that don’t drive impact and growth. Our SEO strategy helps businesses understand their customers better and improve SEO issues that are hindering their conversions.


Why Choose us?


Competition Analysis

We understand the importance of staying ahead of the competition. That’s why we conduct a thorough analysis of your competitors’ online strategies to identify opportunities for your business to stand out. By understanding your competition, we can identify areas where your business can excel and set you apart from the rest. In fact, businesses that conduct regular competitor analysis are 5% more likely to increase their market share.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a vital aspect of SEO. We identify the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to your business and optimize your website and content accordingly. By targeting the right keywords, we can increase your website’s visibility and drive more relevant traffic to your site. In fact, organic search is responsible for up to 53% of website traffic.

Content Management

High-quality, engaging content is essential for success in SEO. We create and manage content that is optimized for search engines and resonates with your target audience. By providing valuable and informative content, we can increase the time people spend on your website and improve your search engine rankings. In fact, companies that blog regularly see a 55% increase in website visitors.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is crucial for improving your search engine rankings. We optimize your website’s structure, design, and content to ensure it is search engine friendly and user-friendly. By improving the technical aspects of your website, we can help search engines understand and index your site more easily. In fact, a 1-second delay in page load time can result in a 7% decrease in conversions.


Ranking at Google and playing by their rules and algorithms has always been at the core of most SEO efforts. With Google gobbling up as much as 75% of the search engine pie. It would be highly beneficial to your client’s business and their online presence to rank in Google’s digital real estate.

Ranking at Google’s Top Spots – that’s what your digital marketing agency would like to achieve. It is the sole purpose of our existence. But you can only get there if you can execute an SEO campaign effectively at the fastest possible time.

Local SEO

Does your business have a physical location or do you offer services across multiple geographic locations? Reaching today’s tech-savvy customers requires your website to be optimized for mobile access. Our local SEO helps you get discovered and can enhance your reputation as a trusted resource in the local community.

On-Page SEO

Optimizing on-page SEO content involves working on the content and HTML coding on the pages contained in your live website. Streamlining your online content and ensuring all coding is error-free are critical elements in ranking higher in search results. Let us help your site prosper with advanced on-page SEO services.

Technical SEO

Reaching the top tiers in search engine results pages requires more than just smart keywords and links. Our technical SEO services help enhance page load speeds, fix broken links, structure your data and, ultimately, craft an online presence for you that will make your website stand out from the competition.

Off-Page SEO

Unlike on-site SEO which focuses on the internal aspects of your website, off-page SEO boosts performance by tweaking items that are external to your site. Off-page, also known as offsite SEO, includes building your company’s authority by crafting external links and working on all of your domain’s “behind the scenes” elements.

Franchise SEO

Optimizing SEO content for franchise businesses is yet another area in which the Rival team achieves top-tier results. Businesses serving multiple geographic locations can take advantage of a full suite of advanced SEO tactics. These tactics, which combine elements highlighted above, help highlight brands to customers in a company’s local area.

White Label SEO

White Label SEO Services provides an opportunity for digital marketing agencies to outsource or subcontract SEO activities into capable hands for a specific length of time. These outsourced SEO services can hit the ground running, plan and execute campaigns in significantly less time, and scale operations depending on the needs of their clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means making certain changes/improvements on your website or blog to increase its visibility on search engines. This is to attract organic (unpaid) traffic to your website and to rank high on the SERP (Search engine result pages).

SEO is important for your business because it can lead to more organic website traffic. Organic traffic is unpaid traffic that you get from people finding your website through search engines like Google. As you know, search engines are used by people all over the world to get information. This means that you can reach a lot of people with just one web page or blog post if it appears high on search engines.

SEO isn’t an overnight strategy. The first few months are dedicated to making updates to your site and waiting for the search engine spiders to crawl and index the changes. Depending on your website, the amount of work it requires, and the crawl frequency of the search engine spiders, it typically takes 3-9 months to begin seeing new rankings.

Achieving the rankings is only half the battle. Since the search engines are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms, your rankings can fluctuate from one day to the next. Maintaining current rankings is just as involved as getting new ones; it takes constant research, updates, and testing to keep your URL ranking in the top positions. Discontinuing SEO after you’ve achieved rankings will result in a loss of rankings fairly quickly.

Ethical SEO agencies cannot guarantee something they can’t control and beware of any company that claims they can. There is no way to know 100% how a site will rank because of the search engine’s constantly evolving nature and to guarantee rankings would be unethical. Also, beware of companies claiming they have a special relationship with Google or can ‘priority submit’ to Google to guarantee ranking positions. This is completely false and untrue, and Google itself warns against companies that make these claims.

Hardcore do-it-yourselfers may be tempted to go it alone to optimize their company’s site to rank higher in search engine results pages. While this is possible, the steep SEO learning curve can require a significant investment of time and energy and also requires constant monitoring and tweaking. Also, it is important to understand that SEO is a continual and fluid process. Techniques that worked yesterday are not necessarily going to yield the same results today or tomorrow. To unlock the greatest results, there is no substitute for working in lockstep with an experienced and knowledgeable SEO specialist.

SEO rankings are determined by a wide variety of technical and non-technical factors. How fast does your website load? Are your web pages easily accessible from a mobile device? Do you have a variety of high-quality external sites pointing users toward your site with authoritative links? Do you host a variety of highly readable, actionable articles, blogs and more? These are just a few examples of the questions which help determine where your website falls in the rack and stack of sites competing for the coveted first page of search results. Beyond these factors, there is a range of “behind the scenes” technical elements which need to all work in harmony to ensure your pages rank high.

SEO works best when it takes advantage of a wide set of elements and techniques all working together in harmony. In this sense, SEO is a combination of strategies working hand-in-hand. Making sure your site’s content is full of valuable, well-written information in the form of a blog, FAQ or articles is a critical element in boosting your rankings. Smart keyword usage, focusing on optimizing page load speeds, making pages accessible from mobile devices and building authoritative linking strategies are also considered among some of the best SEO practices available today.

Although many leading search engines use similar tactics to determine a website’s ranking in search results, there each contains important, small differences. To help ensure the best results possible and excel at driving traffic to your site, it is essential to use tailored SEO strategies that capitalize on these differences. What works specifically for one browser doesn’t necessarily work for another. When finding a company to help optimize your website and boost your search engine rankings, be sure to look for one that understands the nuanced differences between Google SEO, Firefox SEO, WordPress SEO and others.